Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Awakening the Journey

   So here I am, hitting the pre-wee hours of the night. Outside my window, is the chaos of the Mardi Gras partygoers of San Diego, high heels, short skirts, beads, and drunken nature accompanied by the sirens, catcalls and belligerent screaming for no apparent reason. Don't believe me, huh, I'll post pictures. I've just gotten home from a performance at UCSD, (I do spoken word poetry on the side) washed up the little one, red the bedtime story, cleaned the kitchen and now I'm ready to work.
      I'm listening to some of the footage from today's interviews, making sure the sound is on point. This film project for my class has now expanded its horizons, to possibly doing an outreach video for my program at work as well, which means there are two ideas to focus on. How does the agency keep its people healthy? What do the people do to stay healthy and what does the agency do. I'm thinking all those years of looking at TV and movies are finally going to work to my benefit. I've been doing a lot of practicing, with videotaping my performances and just playing with the camera so I’m pretty confident in what the end result will be. I'm still kinda nervous because this is a totally new venture, so who knows if I'm missing some real integral details, but based on my homework, "I'm good". The sound is very important, lighting can be an issue, but I’ve been very diligent. I'm nervous about getting too much footage, but too much is better than not enough, right.
       More than before I'm realizing that this film will truly be a parallel process. I will be examining my mental health through out this process. I have a lot going on. I'm a husband, father, work fulltime, grad student 3/4 time, artist (spoken word) and somewhere in the mix, I need to figure out how to have some time to relax and work out. One thing I have recognized is that I am truly an artist. I'm really passionate when it comes to my band/music and even doing this film. I could work on ends with no sleep, if I could but that's not an option right now. I still have obligations a family man, and a student, so I really need to do some things different.

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