Monday, March 14, 2011

Switching the Focus???

          Ok, so we are truly in the mist of the journey right about now. The parallel process is uncanny. I probably should have just documented myself if I wanted a story full of excitement and twist and turns. My wife and I, are truly entertainment at times, but I didn’t do that, I tried to do alil something different. The only issue is that,  out of all the footage that I’m getting, it has yet to really get exciting. So far everybody wants to be real supportive and doesn’t want to challenge any ideology of the agency, until now. I’ve interviewed our treatment teams, staff meetings and even had a couple interviews, and though I have some good info, I’m not really seeing anything that would provide compelling footage.  Until today, we interviewed my co-worker/ friend “B”. She is who she is, which is what I love about her. The others are to, but they haven’t been around as long as B to witness the changes, sadly to say, all the positivity doesn’t really make for a compelling story. Reviewing the footage, I felt like we were looking at an infomercial or something. “B” gave us an unscripted view because she has so much history and because of her being a woman, and a Latina she was able to provide insight on multiple fronts. Plus she is an amazing artist, so the visual sights she has to offer, make for compelling footage.
        On another note, I was watching “Social Network” and I noticed that the style was of this Oscar nominated movie was kinda like another Oscar nominated movie a couple years ago, called “Slumdog Millionaire”. So I figured, what if we could change the format of the documentary to be somewhat like that interview or two people talking and then it flashes to different footage about some of the things we’re talking about. My docu-partner appreciated that as well, but that would jus mean we needed to script some things and get a place to shoot that portion. I think the creative license aspect of this project will provide for the needed tool to bring a impactful dynamic out.
          On another note, I worked with another group at the school to put together a video about internet safety. It was cool, I realized another way in which I love working with people and when people see you as the expert they look for you to lead and are really open to that. They were a wonderful group to work with and though we did have some lighting issues, I believe the way we did it allowed for some flexibility so hopefully in the editing process it will all come together. They were real thankful, which made doing it so easy to do as well.
So what’s next, we’ll go through the footage with B and then put on the creative hats to see how do we tell this compelling story. Oh yeah, we did hear from Dr. Heidi Kraft, so we go see if we can get that interview and what will that be.

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